Wednesday, November 28, 2007

famous jesus painting

famous jesus painting
famous animal painting
famous claude monet painting
flower oil painting
accident, but I met the boat-puller in Yokohama, an' the straight iv it was given me. An' there's Smoke, the black little devil- didn't the Roosians have him for three years in the salt-mines of Siberia for poachin' on Copper Island, which is a Roosian preserve? Shackled he was, hand an' foot, with his mate. An' didn't they have words or a ruction of some kind? For 't was the other fellow Smoke sent up in the buckets to the top of the mine; an' a piece at a time he went up, a leg today, an' tomorrow an arm, the next day the head, an' so on.' ¡¡¡¡'But you can't mean it!' I cried out, overcome with the horror of it. ¡¡¡¡'Mean what?' he demanded, quick as a flash. ''T is nothin' I've said. Deef I am, an' dumb, as ye should be for the sake iv your mother; an' never once have I opened me lips but to say fine things iv them an' him, God curse his soul! an' may he rot in purgatory ten thousand years, an' then go down to the last an' deepest hell iv all!'


Anonymous said...

famous jesus painting"

Anonymous said...

famous jesus painting"

Anonymous said...

"famous jesus painting"

Anonymous said...

"famous jesus painting"