Friday, March 28, 2008


红色郁金香 中新网3月28日报道 有中国航天科研人才“黄埔军校”之誉的中国运载火箭技术研究院第一设计部披露,中国新一代大推力、无毒无污染运载火箭“长征五号”目前方案设计阶段即将结束,将很快转入初样研制阶段。
oil painting

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


oil painting

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


oil painting

Monday, March 24, 2008


1 防好凯文-马丁的突破,马丁是国王2004年阿德尔曼还担任主教练时首轮26位选中的新秀,他的新秀赛季并不出色,可每年他的数据都大幅前进,本赛季场均得分已经达到23分,他的速度是火箭最大的问题。
2 打出火箭风格,要更快更准确地转移球,减少麦蒂单独持球的时间,因为阿泰斯特是个一对一很好的防守球员。
3 保护好篮板和一如既往的防守。

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Edward Hopper Painting

Edward Hopper Painting
Mary Cassatt painting
Jack Vettriano Painting
The Singing Butler
depth of my heart, that I would be most
moderate- most correct; and, having reflected a few minutes in order
to arrange coherently what I had to say, I told her all the story of
my sad childhood. Exhausted by emotion, my language was more subdued
than it generally was when it developed that sad theme; and mindful of
Helen's warnings against the indulgence of resentment, I infused
into the narrative far less of gall and wormwood than ordinary. Thus
restrained and simplified, it sounded more credible: I felt as I
went on that Miss Temple fully believed me.
oil paintings
In the course of the tale I had mentioned Mr. Lloyd as having
come to see me after the fit: for I never forgot the, to me, frightful
episode of the red-room: in detailing which, my excitement was sure,
in some degree, to break bounds; for nothing could soften in my

Thursday, March 20, 2008

leonardo da vinci last supper painting

leonardo da vinci last supper painting
Famous painting
Art Painting
Modern Art Painting
one at a time to each pupil: if they
have more, they are apt to be careless and lose them. And, O ma'am!
I wish the woollen stockings were better looked to!- when I was here
last, I went into the kitchen-garden and examined the clothes drying
on the line; there was a quantity of black hose in a very bad state of
repair: from the size of the holes in them I was sure they had not
been well mended from time to time.'
He paused.
oil paintings
'Your directions shall be attended to, sir,' said Miss Temple.
'And, ma'am,' he continued, 'the laundress tells me some of the
girls have two clean tuckers in the week: it is too much; the rules
limit them to one.'
'I think I can explain that circumstance, sir. Agnes and

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

monet painting

monet painting
wholesale oil painting
China oil paintings
contemporary abstract painting
excitement, and reckless and feverish, I wished the
wind to howl more wildly, the gloom to deepen to darkness, and the
confusion to rise to clamour.
Jumping over forms, and creeping under tables, I made my way to one
of the fire-places; there, kneeling by the high wire fender, I found
Burns, absorbed, silent, abstracted from all round her by the
companionship of a book, which she read by the dim glare of the
oil paintings
'Is it still Rasselas?' I asked, coming behind her.
'Yes,' she said, 'and I have just finished it.'
And in five minutes more she shut it up. I was glad of this.
'Now,' thought I, 'I can perhaps get her to talk.' I sat down by
her on the floor.

Monday, March 17, 2008

无框画 油画网

nude oil painting
oil painting from picture
famous painting
无框画 油画网
but darkened by a drizzling yellow fog; all under
foot was still soaking wet with the floods of yesterday. The
stronger among the girls ran about and engaged in active games, but
sundry pale and thin ones herded together for shelter and warmth in
the verandah; and amongst these, as the dense mist penetrated to their
shivering frames, I heard frequently the sound of a hollow cough.
As yet I had spoken to no one, nor did anybody seem to take
notice of me; I stood lonely enough: but to that feeling of

oil paintings isolation I was accustomed; it did not oppress me much. I leant
against a pillar of the verandah, drew my grey mantle close about
me, and, trying to forget the cold which nipped me without, and the

Sunday, March 16, 2008

art painting gallery

art deco painting
canvas painting
animal painting
painting in oil
at intervals, which settled on the hard path and on
the hoary lea without melting. I stood, a wretched child enough,
whispering to myself over and over again, 'What shall I do?- what
shall I do?'
All at once I heard a clear voice call, 'Miss Jane! where are
you? Come to lunch!'
It was Bessie, I knew well enough; but I did not stir; her light
step came tripping down the path.
oil paintings
'You naughty little thing!' she said. 'Why don't you come when
you are called?'
Bessie's presence, compared with the thoughts over which I had been
brooding, seemed cheerful; even though, as usual, she was somewhat
cross. The fact is, after my conflict with and victory over Mrs. Reed,
I was not disposed to care much for the nursemaid's transitory
anger; and I was disposed to bask in her youthful lightness of

art painting gallery

art painting gallery
famous painting
claude monet painting
mona lisa painting
would have represented as meetly my subsequent
condition, when half an hour's silence and reflection had shown me the
madness of my conduct, and the dreariness of my hated and hating
Something of vengeance I had tasted for the first time; as aromatic
wine it seemed, on swallowing, warm and racy: its after-flavour,
metallic and corroding, gave me a sensation as if I had been poisoned.
Willingly would I now have gone and asked Mrs. Reed's pardon; but I
knew, partly from experience and partly from instinct, that was the
way to make her repulse me with double scorn, thereby re-exciting
every turbulent impulse of my nature.
oil paintings
I would fain exercise some better faculty than that of fierce
speaking; fain find nourishment for some less fiendish feeling than

Friday, March 14, 2008

William Bouguereau

William Bouguereau
painting idea
floral oil painting
michelangelo painting
for the sound of Bessie's step on the stairs:
sometimes she would come up in the interval to seek her thimble or her
scissors, or perhaps to bring me something by way of supper- a bun
or a cheese-cake- then she would sit on the bed while I ate it, and
when I had finished, she would tuck the clothes round me, and twice
she kissed me, and said, 'Good night, Miss Jane.' When thus gentle,
Bessie seemed to me the best, prettiest, kindest being in the world;
and I wished most intensely that she would always be so pleasant and
amiable, and never push me about, or scold,
oil paintings or task me unreasonably,
as she was too often wont to do. Bessie, Lee must, I think, have
been a girl of good natural capacity, for she was smart in all she
did, and had a remarkable knack of narrative; so, at least, I judge

Thursday, March 13, 2008

contemporary landscape painting

contemporary landscape painting
painting idea
floral oil painting
michelangelo painting
one salt drop from my cheek than another followed. Yet, I
thought, I ought to have been happy, for none of the Reeds were there,
they were all gone out in the carriage with their mama. Abbot, too,
was sewing in another room, and Bessie, as she moved hither and
thither, putting away toys and arranging drawers, addressed to me
every now and then a word of unwonted kindness. This state of things
should have been to me a paradise of peace, accustomed as I was to a
life of ceaseless reprimand and thankless fagging; but, in fact, my
racked nerves were now in such a state that no calm could soothe,
and no pleasure excite them agreeably.
oil paintings
Bessie had been down into the kitchen, and she brought up with
her a tart on a certain brightly painted china plate, whose bird of
paradise, nestling in a wreath of convolvuli and rosebuds, had been
wont to stir in me a most enthusiastic sense of admiration; and

mona lisa painting

mona lisa painting
William Bouguereau
The Birth of Venus
Marc Chagall Painting
stranded on a desolate coast; to the cold and ghastly moon glancing
through bars of cloud at a wreck just sinking.
I cannot tell what sentiment haunted the quite solitary churchyard,
with its inscribed headstone; its gate, its two trees, its low
horizon, girdled by a broken wall, and its newly-risen crescent,
attesting the hour of eventide.
The two ships becalmed on a torpid sea, I believed to be marine
oil paintings
The fiend pinning down the thief's pack behind him, I passed over
quickly: it was an object of terror.
So was the black horned thing seated aloof on a rock, surveying a Each picture told a story; mysterious often to my undeveloped
understanding and imperfect feelings, yet ever profoundly interesting:
as interesting as the tales Bessie sometimes narrated on winter

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

无框画 油画网

无框画 油画网
the last supper painting
picture of the last supper
leonardo da vinci last supper painting
impracticable to retain my charge beside me, as heretofore. She got downstairs before me, and out into the garden, where she had seen her cousin performing some easy work; and when I went to bid them come to breakfast, I saw she had persuaded him to clear a large space of ground from currant and gooseberry bushes, and they were busy planning together an importation of plants from the Grange.
oil paintings
I was terrified at the devastation which had been accomplished in a brief half-hour; the black-currant trees were the apple of Joseph's eye, and she had just fixed her choice of a flower bed in the midst of them.
`There! That will be all shown to the master,' I exclaimed`the minute it is discovered. And what excuse have you to offer for taking such liberties with the garden? `We shall have a fine explosion on the head of it: see if we don't! Mr Hareton, I wonder you should have no more wit, than to go and make that mess at her bidding!'

Monday, March 10, 2008

da vinci painting

da vinci painting
picture of the last supper
leonardo da vinci last supper painting
leonardo da vinci mona lisa
instead of guarding him from one and winning him to the other, his endeavours to rise himself had produced just the contrary result.
`Yes; that's all the good that such a brute as you can get from them!' cried Catherine, sucking her damaged lip, and watching the conflagration with indignant eyes.
`You'd better hold your tongue, now,' he answered fiercely.
And his agitation precluding further speech, he advanced hastily to the entrance, where I made way for him to pass. But ere he had crossed the doorstones, Mr Heathcliff, coming up the causeway, encountered him, and laying hold of his shoulder, asked:
"What's to do now, my lad?'
oil paintings
`Naught, naught,' he said, and broke away to enjoy his grief and anger in solitude.
Heathcliff gazed after him, and sighed.
`It will be odd if I thwart myself,' he muttered, unconscious that I was behind him. `But when I look for his father in his face, I find her every day more. How the devil is he so like? I can hardly bear to see him.'

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Singing Butler

The Singing Butler
Rembrandt Painting
Art Painting
that over tomorrow,' said Heathcliff to me; then turning to her, he added--`You may do without your pony: it is a fine evening, and you'll need no ponies at Wuthering Heights; for what journeys you take, your own feet will serve you. Come along.'
`Goodbye, Ellen!' whispered my dear little mistress. As she kissed me, her lips felt like ice. `Come and see me, Ellen; don't forget.'
`Take care you do no such thing, Mrs Dean!' said her new father. `When I wish to speak to you I'll come here. I want none of your prying at my house!'
oil paintings
He signed her to precede him; and casting back a look that cut my heart, she obeyed. I watched them from the window, walk down the garden. Heathcliff fixed Catherine's died; and eternally, from dawn to dawn, praying her to return to me her spirit! I have a strong faith in ghosts: I have a conviction that they can, and do, exist among us! The day she was buried there came a fall of snow. In the evening I went to the churchyard. It blew bleak as winter--all round was solitary. I didn't fear that her fool of a husband would wander up the den so late; and no one else had business to bring them there. Being alone, and conscious two yards of loose earth was the sole barrier between us, I said to myself--"I'll have her in my arms

Friday, March 7, 2008

wholesale oil painting

wholesale oil painting
China oil paintings
contemporary abstract painting
painting idea
And were you pleased to see her struck?' I asked: having my designs in encouraging his talk.
`I winked,' he answered: `I wink to see my father strike a dog or a horse, he does it so hard. Yet I was glad at first--she deserved punishing for pushing me: but when papa was gone, she made me come to the window and showed me her cheek cut on the inside, against her teeth, and her m
oil paintings outh filling with blood; and then she gathered up the bits of the picture, and went and sat down with her face to the wall, and she has never spoken to me since: and I sometimes think she can't speak for pain. I don't like to think so; but she's a naughty thing for crying continually; and she looks so pale and wild, I'm afraid of her.'
`And you can get the key if you choose?' I said.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

famous picasso pablo painting

famous picasso pablo painting
famous frida kahlo painting
famous diego rivera painting
famous michelangelo painting
discerning: but there he was, powerless under its grip, and any addition seemed capable of shocking him into idiotcy. We reached the threshold: Catherine walked in, and I stood waiting till she had conducted the invalid to a chair, expecting her out immediately; when Mr Heathcliff, pushing me forward, exclaimed:
`My house is not stricken with the plague, Nelly; and I have a mind to be hospitable today: sit down, and allow me to shut the door.'
He shut and locked it also. I started.
oil paintings
`You shall have tea before you go home,' he added. `I am by myself. Hareton is gone with some cattle to the Lees, and Zillah and Joseph are off on a journey of pleasure; and, though I'm used to being alone, I'd rather have some interesting company, if I can get it. Miss Linton, take your seat by him. I give you what I have: the present is hardly worth accepting; but I

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Famous artist painting

Famous artist painting
Famous painting
Art Painting
Modern Art Painting
place herself in the choice of what she perused. She selected one of her own favourites, and got forward steadily about an hour; then came frequent questions.
`Ellen, are not you tired? Hadn't you better lie down now? You'll be sick, keeping up so long, Ellen.'
`No, no, dear, I'm not tired,' I returned continually.
Perceiving me immovable, she essayed another method of showing her disrelish for her occupation. It changed to yawning, and stretching, and:
`Ellen, I'm tired.'
`Give over then and talk,' I answered.
oil paintings
That was worse: she fretted and sighed, and liked at her watch till eight, and finally went to her room, completely overdone with sleep; judging by her peevish, heavy look, and the I thought her conduct odd; and having remained alone a long while, I resolved on going and inquiring whether she were better, and asking her to come and lie on the sofa, instead of upstairs in the dark. No Catherine could I discover upstairs,

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

picture of the last supper

picture of the last supper
the last supper painting
van gogh painting
无框画 油画网
`I swear Linton is dying,' repeated Heathcliff, looking hard at me. `And grief and disappointment are hastening his death. Nelly, if you won't let her go, you can walk over yourself. But I shall not return till this time next week; and I think your master himself would scarcely object to her visiting her cousin!'
`Come in,' said I, taking Cathy by the arm and half-forcing her to re-enter; for she lingered, viewing with troubled eyes the features of the speaker, too stern to express his inward deceit.
He pushed his horse close, and, bending down, observed:
oil paintings
`Miss Catherine, I'll owe to you that I have little patience with Linton; and Hareton and Joseph have less. I'll own that he's with a harsh set. He pines for kindness, as well as love; and a kind word from you would be his best medicine. Don't mind Mrs Dean's cruel cautions; but be generous, and contrive to see him. He dreams of you day and night, and cannot be persuaded that you don't hate him, since you neither write nor call.'

Monday, March 3, 2008

van gogh painting

van gogh painting
无框画 油画网
the last supper painting
picture of the last supper
Oh, he'll do very well,' said the master to me, after watching them a minute. `Very well, if we can keep him, Ellen. The company of a child of his own age will instil new spirit into him soon, and by wishing for strength he'll gain it.'
`Ay, if we can keep him!' I mused to myself; and sore misgivings came over me that there was slight hope of that. And then, I thought, however will that weakling live at Wuthering Heights, between his father and Hareton, what playmates and instructors they'll be.
oil paintings Our doubts were presently decided even earlier than I expected. I had just taken the children upstairs, after tea was finished, and seen Linton asleep--he would not suffer me to leave him till that was the case--I had come down, and was standing by the table in the hall, lighting a bedroom candle for Mr Edgar, when a maid stepped out of the kitchen and informed me that Mr Heathcliff's servant Joseph was at the door, and wished to speak with the master