Sunday, November 18, 2007

famous oil painting

famous oil painting
famous angel painting
famous van gogh painting
famous horse painting
"You remember me, Miss Gorringe," he said. "I came here the other day."
  "Yes, of course I remember you, Chief-Inspector.Is there anything more you want to know. Do you want to see Mr. Humfries?"
  "No thank you. I don'tthink that'll be necessary. I'djust like one more look at your register if I may."
  "Of course." Shepushed it along to him.
  He opened it and looked slowly down the pages. ToMiss Gorringe he gave the appearance of a man looking for one particularly entry. Inactuality this was not the case. Father had an accomplishment which he had learnt early inlife and had


Anonymous said...

famous oil painting"

Anonymous said...

famous oil painting"

Anonymous said...

famous oil painting"