Friday, November 16, 2007

klimt painting the kiss

klimt painting the kiss
leonardo da vinci self portrait
Madonna Litta
madonna with the yarnwinder painting
"True enough," saidSimmons. "All right. We'll thinkof it like this. He left the airport with his little bag and he went back to hotel, orstarted for the hotel at all events. He might have had dinner perhaps – no, he'd dined at the Athenaeum. All right, hewent back to the hotel. But he never arrived there. He paused a moment or two and thensaid doubtfully, Or did he? Nobody seems to have seen him there. So what happened to himon the way?"
  "He could have met someone," said Mrs. McCrae, doubtfully.
  "Yes. Of course that'sperfectly possible. Some old friend he hadn't seen for a longtime…. He could have gone off with a friend to the friend's hotel or the friend's house, but he


Anonymous said...

klimt painting the kiss"

Anonymous said...

klimt painting the kiss"

Anonymous said...

klimt painting the kiss"

Anonymous said...

"klimt painting the kiss"