Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Rembrandt The Return of the Prodigal Son Painting

Rembrandt The Return of the Prodigal Son Painting
Return of the Prodigal Son
Samson And Delilah
seated nude
Spring Breeze
Luke close his eyes. He tried to envision the contours, the shape, to feel theweight of his X-wing fighter. And he concentrated on the movement it would makeas it rose from the murky waters. As he concentrated, he began to hear the waters churn and gurgle, and then beginto bubble with the emerging nose of the X-wing. The tip of the fighter was slowlylifting from the water, and it hovered there for a moment, then sank back beneath thesurface with a loud splash. Luke was drained and had to gasp for breath. "I can't," he said dejectedly."It's too big." "Size has no meaning," Yoda insisted. "It matters not. Look at me. Judgeme by my size, do you?" Luke, chastened, just shook his head. "And well you shouldn't," the Jedi Master advised. "For my ally is the Force.And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it and make it grow. Its energy surrounds usand binds us. Luminous beings we are, not this crude matter," he said as he pinchedLuke's skin.


Anonymous said...

Return of the Prodigal Son"

Anonymous said...

Return of the Prodigal Son"