Sunday, January 6, 2008

Red Hat Girl

Red Hat Girl
Red Nude painting
Regatta At Argenteuil
Rembrandt Biblical Scene
whole, I think I can afford to please myself. She will have in me a man already pretty well off, and a rapidly rising man, and a man of some distinction: it is a piece of good fortune for her, but she is worthy of good fortune. Are you astonished?" ¡¡¡¡Carton, still drinking the punch, rejoined, "Why should I be astonished?" ¡¡¡¡"You approve?" ¡¡¡¡Carton, still drinking the punch, rejoined, "Why should I not approve?" ¡¡¡¡"Well!" said his friend Stryver,
oil painting
"you take it more easily than I fancied you would, and are less mercenary on my behalf than I thought you would be; though, to be sure, you know well enough by this time that your ancient chum is a man of a pretty strong will. Yes, Sydney, I have had enough of this style of life, with no other as a change from it; I feel that it is a pleasant thing for a man to have a home when he feels inclined to go to it (when he doesn't, he can stay away), and I feel that

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Red Hat Girl"