Monday, November 24, 2008

Bierstadt Autumn Landscape The Catskills

Bierstadt Autumn Landscape The CatskillsBierstadt Autumn in America Oneida County New YorkBierstadt Westphalian LandscapeBierstadt Nebraska On the Plains
Thinking more broadly, it's interesting to reflect on the cultural context in which music is produced. Thompson, Graham and Russo (2005) point out that it wasn't until the invention of the phonograph that the aural elements of were split off from the visual.
Modern technological innovations like the iPOD have further reinforced that separation. The coming of pop videos has created another layer of visual meaning to music. This layer, however, often has little to do with the facial expressions and hand gestures of the artist and more to do with the vision of video producers and directors. It's not often that a music video is a straight film of the band performing the track.
Not just listening, but also watching But perhaps we are turning the corner? With the iPOD video singers' visual performance has the potential to be reunited with the aural experience of music. Will people return to not just listening to music, but also watching it?

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