Sunday, December 21, 2008

Klimt Three Ages of Woman - Mother and Child (detail II)

Klimt Three Ages of Woman - Mother and Child (detail II)Klimt The Tree of Life (gold foil)Klimt The SunflowerKlimt The Music (gold foil)
father had said, “Well, sooner or later, you’ll hear things, and I want you to know none of it’s true. It’s the usual celebrity-bashing crapola. They’ll say your mom had some nervous breakdown or something, but she didn’t. The truth isn’t pretty, but it’s not half as ugly as you’ll hear, so Ming and Dr. Rudy are going to share with you some techniques for keeping your mind at peace through all this.”Dr. Rudy was Rudolph Kroog, a psychiatrist famous in . He talked to Fric for a little while, trying tomercy of Mr. Hachette, the brain-diseased chef, even if he would be roasted with apples and fed to unsuspecting Bowery bums on Thanksgiving.Eventually, everyone had left him alone.He still didn’t know whether it had been a hospital, sanitarium, or booby hatch.His mother had been to Palazzo Rospo only once since then, but she hadn’t mentioned the incident. That was the visit in which she told Fric that he was an almost perfect invisible little mouse.Then they had gone riding on a pair of great black stallions, and determine if in a previous incarnation he might have been a boy king in Egypt during the centuries it was ruled by [427] pharaohs, and provided a bottle of capsules with directions to take one at lunch and one at bedtime.Remembering that boy kings had sometimes been poisoned by their advisers, which he’d learned on Saturday-morning cartoon shows, Fric had carried the capsules directly to his third-floor suite, where he flushed them down the drain. If a green, scaly monster had lived in his toilet, he killed it with an overdose that day.As easy as Dr. Rudy had been to endure, Ming was hard. After two days of “sharing,” Fric preferred to be consigned to the

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