Friday, January 2, 2009

Swatland Pond at Riversville Road

Swatland Pond at Riversville RoadSwatland Oil on canvasSwatland Nets and PailsSwatland Morning Walk
situation of catch and release.After having given birth to my second child, I really felt this emptiness of not having any girlfriends to call and chat and just share my day with. I see women all around me who say that they speak to their BFF almost on a daily basis, if not numerous times through the day. I always say that I’m not much of a phone person and so I barely keep in touch with anyone. But now with a husband, two kids, and an evening job as a legal secretary, I really have no time. Or do I? I’ll tell you my story first and then put forward my question.
Growing up I was the typical tomboy, I was also very close with my younger brother, so that may explain the tomboy tendencies. I loved to rough house
My suggestion is to avoid boyfriend-hunting. The best guys are a haphazard discovery, not the result of a grand conquest to find the one. Dating is hard, confusing, exhausting, expensive, and emotionally draining. Perfect strangers enter the most personal realms of our being and we can only hope that they will actually appreciate it. In the age of instant gratification is always something that one should consider taking slowly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oil portraits of the nobility in Europe centuries ago from the beginning, but they are not the photos and then into oil painting, but please portrait artist in person to own, as the ability to highlight the realism of the painting, almost the very real figure Out of shape.

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