Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rembrandt Christ Driving The Money Changers From The Temple

Rembrandt Christ Driving The Money Changers From The TempleRembrandt Bathsheba at Her BathLord Frederick Leighton Wedded
around the room until her eye lit on the little still-life by the door. There was a folded nightshirt, a candle-stick, and a small pillow.
As far as she technically shouldn’t be, Magrat blew her nose and explored further. A heap of discarded garments by the bed suggested that Verence had mastered the art of hanging up clothes as practiced by half the population of the world, and also that he had equally had difficulty with the complex topological maneuvers necessary to turn his socks the right way out.
There was a tiny dressing table and a mirror. Stuck to the mirror frame was a dried and faded flower that looked, to Magrat, very like the ones she habitually wore in her hair.Verence had been concerned, a crown merely changed which side of the door you slept.Oh, gods. He’d always slept in front of the door of his*In the case of the a-£l Street Mappe of Ankh-Morpork, this would be The Sunshine Home for Sick Dragons in Morphic Street, Please Leave Donations of Coal by Side Door. Remember, A Dragon is For Life, Not Just for Hogswatchnight.LQRQ8 ft/YD LftQ/£6master. And now he was king, he slept in front of the door to his kingdom.Magrat felt her eyes fill with tears.You couldn’t help loving someone as soppy as that.Fascinated, and aware that she was where

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