Monday, December 31, 2007

Naiade oil painting

Naiade oil painting
Nighthawks Hopper
Nude on the Beach
One Moment in Time
Let me go on. ¡¡¡¡I was to go abroad. That seemed to have been determined among us from the first. The ground now covering all that could perish of my departed wife, I waited only for what Mr. Micawber called the 'final pulverization of Heep'; and for the departure of the emigrants. ¡¡¡¡At the request of Traddles, most affectionate and devoted of friends in my trouble, we returned to Canterbury: I mean my aunt, Agnes, and I.
oil painting
We proceeded by appointment straight to Mr. Micawber's house; where, and at Mr. Wickfield's, my friend had been labouring ever since our explosive meeting. When poor Mrs. Micawber saw me come in, in my black clothes, she was sensibly affected. There was a great deal of good in Mrs. Micawber's heart, which had not been dunned out of it in all those many years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Naiade oil painting"